Mae Nang Kwak
(Goddess Of Fortune)
Intro - Stories & Myths

Mae Nang Kwak

Nang Kwak (Thai: นางกวัก; English: Nang Kwak) is the god of wealth or family in Thai folklore, which brings good luck, prosperous business, attracts customers, and discovers business opportunities. Her full name is "Mae Thep Phra Nang Kwak" (แม่เทพพระนางกวัก). Usually dressed in red Thai-style clothing, some people say that Nang Kwak is the incarnation of the Thai rice goddess Pu Suo, and some people say that she is the Brahman goddess Lakshmi (called "Auspicious Goddess" in Buddhism), with the introduction of Buddhism to Thailand, Gradually evolved into a Thai style.

There is a legend that the Fortune Goddess descended from a woman from ancient India known as the Baa Nang Kwak (Goddess of Fortune). Baa Nang Kwak was a common lady, but she was always willing to help people, which was why everyone admired her. There was an evil Yaksha who had been gravely injured, and no one wanted to help him. Finally, Baa Nang Kwak (Goddess of Fortune) appeared, and persuaded everyone to work together to heal Yaksha, and that made Yaksha changed into a good Yaksha. When Thai monks learned about the Baa Nang Kwak's (Goddess of Fortune) story, they thought she was very nice and helpful, so they created a deity statue of her and named her the "Goddess of Fortune."

Another story is: the Goddess of Fortune was an ancient girl, born into a merchant family, named "Shu Pa Wa Xi", and she was very smart and lovely since she was a child. She often followed her father to other villages to do business and one day, she met a monk (it is said that the Buddha sat down with his disciple Si Wa Li) preaching. After Shu Pa Wa Xi (Goddess of Fortune) listened to the monk's teaching, she felt very happy, and decided to share her happiness and joy with others.

Because Shu Pa Wa Xi (Goddess of Fortune) listened very seriously and happily, and every time this monk met Shu Pa Wa Xi, he would bless Shu Pa Wa Xi and her family, which made the father of Shu Pa Wa Xi became richer in his business. Shu Pa Wa Xi's father always believed that Shu Shu Pa Wa Xi was a gift from God, and slowly accompanied his daughter to listen to monks chanting sutras, thus doing good deeds often.

The reputation of Shu Pa Wa Xi (Goddess Of Fortune) could bring good luck and fortune, gradually spreading widely. Even after the death of Shu Pa Wa Xi, legends about her were still widely circulated. People began to enshrine photos of Shu Pa Wa Xi (Goddess Of Fortune) at home, because of everyone's respect and love towards her. This was how Shu Pa Wa Xi became the Goddess Of Fortune also known as Mae Nang Kwak.


In traditional Thai and Lao, she was portrayed as a beautiful lady in traditional Thai clothing, sometimes wearing a golden crown, in a sitting or kneeling position. The waving pattern of her right hand was similar to that of a Japanese beckoning cat, and her left hand may hold a bag full of money.


She is believed to bring good luck, especially wealth. Thai people like to put up her posters at home or in shops, and she is also enshrined in temples, such as the ancient rock garden in Hong Kong, and people even wearing her amulets.

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