How To Pray Phra Phrom
(Four-Faced Buddha)?

Phra Phrom

In the popular Erawan Shrine in Thailand, the Four-Faced Buddha adores flowers, such as marigolds and orchids, thus Thai people frequently utilises marigolds and orchids to worship. However, do not use thorny flowers to worship gods or make a wish, since this signifies that the procedure will be fraught with difficulties, as the thorns will obstruct the process. The Four-Faced Buddha is most commonly worshipped in a clockwise direction. The seven-colored flowers, repayment dance, repayment dance puppets, wood-carved elephants (size depends on the wishes you make), and other methods of repaying the Four-Faced Buddha can be used, and the promises made by believers to repay the Four-Faced Buddha must be clear and careful, and the promises must be kept.

Front Face (Fame: Studies, Career, Future).

Second Face (Relationsip, Attraction, Noble).

Third Face (Fortune: All kinds of work).

Fourth Face (Health: Sickness, Diseases, Safety, Friends & Family's Health, etc.).

The Importance Of Praying Phra Phrom
(Four-Faced Buddha)︰

The wish must be founded on not harming the interests of others, because the Four-Faced Buddha is benevolent. It requires trust and sincerity, but also based on one's own karma and blessings, and cannot be made out of nothing. Desires that go beyond the scope of personal blessings are hard to come by.

As a result, in addition to true worship, one must also love everyone, continue to do good things, assist those in need, and show filial piety to one's parents, so that good deeds will be repaid in the end.

To succeed after wishing, you must take solid actions. Your wish will not come true by just sitting and waiting.

Generally, the worship must be done in a clockwise direction. The counterclockwise direction is only suitable for those who are working in extreme businesses which often are not in favour of the government. The average person should try to avoid the counterclockwise direction.

How To Pray Phra Phrom
(Four-Faced Buddha):

According to legend, the four faces of Phra Phrom have different meanings, each of which is in charge of study, career, money, health, family and fortune. The Erawan's Phra Phrom Dance Troupe in Bangkok Thailand, suggested some methods of praying:

First is to buy some offerings:

Before worshiping, wash your hands where clear water (holy water) is placed, symbolizing cleanliness.

Starting from the side facing the entrance, place the candles, 1 garland and 3 josticks/incense sticks on the first side of the Four-Faced Buddha.

Then, worship in clockwise order, and place the garland and 3 josticks/incense sticks in front of each side of the Four-Faced Buddha.

After worship, take holy water and sprinkle it lightly on the head.

How To Make Wishes:

The head of the local Four-Faced Buddha dance team suggested that it is good to make the same wishes for all sides of the Four-Faced Buddha. Start with your name, living adress, your wishes, and how will you repay your wish if it is fulfilled? Speak clearly and sincerely in your heart, and the language does not matter, the editor still has an old saying: sincerity is the key.

Gentle Reminder: When making a wish, you can make it clear about how you are going to repay. Of course you have heard about some rich celebrities repaid with golden elephants, but it is recommended that you do what you can base on your personal financial capabilities. The simplest way is to refer to the price announcements of the offering sales office and the votive dancer area before visiting. Once you are clear with your budget, then you can start to make a wish, and how will you repay.

Repayment Methods:

The wish has been fulfilled, and the time has come! How can you repay? Follow the promise you made at the beginning, but if it is really impossible to repay your vows immediately due to some unexpected situation, it is believed that the gods will not punish you. If you are there to repay, provide your name and the number of dancers who choose to dance the votive dance (according to your ability). After paying the fee, the votive dance is only a few minutes, and before the votive dance starts, you must take off your shoes and kneel in front of the dancers. Pray on the content of the wish you once made, and explain that the wish has been fulfilled. Today, you are here to thank Phra Phrom, the Four-Faced Buddha.

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